
Intro to AI - Mexico City 2023

Thanks to everyone who came out to my talk! Here's the link to my slides:

Bug with Image Gallery - Only 12 images show when zoom is set to 100 percent and text web page on page and text content exceeds images.

Bug with Image Gallery - Only 12 images show when zoom is set to 100 percent and text web page on page and text content exceeds images. I've created this error on multiple sites, here's an example: The page has two web parts, one text and one Image Gallery. I've loaded 17 images and put enough text in the text web part so that the web part exceeds (length wise) the images displayed. Only 12 images are displayed, until you scroll all the way down the page or if you change the zoom percent of the browser.  The bug only appears when using the grid view. Using Brick or Carousel views works as expected.  Also, when the bug is activated, the rest of the page does not load (additional web parts do not display) until the page is scrolled all the way down. Tested on Chrome and Edge.  Screenshot of bug with images over 12 not loading: Screenshot of bug with images over 12 loaded after scrolling to the bottom:

Slides from my talk at #PowerPlatformBootCampDMV 2023

Here they are! Thanks for coming to my talk!!ArJpQLDPDNdJgsoaiiVMXbBkXiNSTA?e=2fSDvR

Welcome to MAD SharePoint!               ,---------------------------, | /---------------------\ | | | | | | | | | | | MAD SharePoint | | | | | | | | | | | \_____________________/ | |___________________________| ,---\_____ [] _______/------, / /______________\ /| /___________________________________ / | ___ | | | ) | _ _ _ [-------] | | ( | o o o [-------] | / _)_ |__________________________________ |/ / / /-------------------------------------/| ( )/ /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/ / /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/ / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...

Scottish Summit 2021 - Intro to Dataverse and Power Automate

 Find my slides here from my talk at the Scottish Summit 2021! Intro to Dataverse and Power Automate Slides 

Office 365 Friday Nashville 2020

 Find my talk slides here!